“Gregory’s Girl” is a charming Scottish film about a teenage boy named Gregory who falls for a new girl at school, only to realize that she’s not the girl of his dreams. Along the way, he learns valuable life lessons about love and friendship, all while playing soccer and wearing some pretty questionable fashion choices.”
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Oh, what delights doth the silver screen bring forth! Forsooth, this bard must protest his fervent admiration for the film “Gregory’s Girl”. A merry tale of love and football, set in bonny Scotland. This play hath observed with great mirth and pleasure the goings-on of these young lads and lasses.
The story begins with our protagonist, young Gregory, playing football with his chums on a dreary day. Despite his best efforts, he is not deemed good enough to make the school team. Alas! But fear not, fair audience, for love soon enters into the fray. Gregory finds himself smitten with a young lassie named Dorothy who, by all accounts, is most skilled at football.
But hold! What trickery is this? Forsooth, Dorothy is soon to depart the team and be replaced by none other than…a girl! Susan arrives on the scene and creates quite a stir among the young gentlemen. Gregory finds himself torn between his love for Dorothy and his curiosity about Susan.
The plot thickens as Gregory’s younger sister gains attention from one of his friends and Gregory himself finds despair in his own lack of social graces. Meanwhile, his father struggles to maintain his position as headmaster of the school.
Yet through it all there is laughter and joy. These youths are full of wit and charm; their banter delightful to behold. The dialogue crackles with energy and humor.
Ah, but what of the acting? This bard must commend every member of this talented cast. John Gordon Sinclair shines as our hero Gregory; awkward yet endearing in equal measure. Clare Grogan brings warmth to her portrayal of Dorothy; while Dee Hepburn adds a spark to her role as Susan.
Even now this play can recall many a memorable quote from “Gregory’s Girl”. “No offense boys,” says Susan upon joining the team, “But I think I’m better than the lot of you.” Or how about the exchange between Gregory and his sister, as they discuss the art of wooing. “Just act naturally,” advises his sibling. “I don’t know how to act naturally,” laments Gregory.
This film hath been much beloved since its release in 1981, and deservedly so. It was directed by Bill Forsyth, who also penned the script. A man of much talent, indeed. This play can think of no other who could have brought forth such a charming tale.
Its score by Colin Tully is delightful; a playful and whimsical accompaniment to the action on screen. And what fine cinematography too! The Scottish landscape provides a stunning backdrop to this merry tale.
One must also commend those behind the scenes: the crews and producers who brought this film to fruition. Their efforts have not gone unnoticed.
Yet there were some who were not pleased with “Gregory’s Girl”. Unfathomable though it may seem, some critics found fault with this joyous romp. Nay, this bard shall not speak ill of those who disagreed with him. For it is true that we are all entitled to our own opinions, and each shall enjoy this film as they see fit.
In conclusion, this bard doth implore thee to seek out “Gregory’s Girl” at thy nearest cinema or streaming service. Thou shalt not be disappointed! For here is a film that will warm thy heart and bring a smile to thy lips. Aye, even now this play feels the urge to rewatch it again; for it truly is one of the most charming films ever made.
Oh woe betide any who would speak ill of “Gregory’s Girl”! Forsooth, they know not what they miss.
Technical Data
- Runtime : 91
- Release : 1981-04-23
- Genre : Comedy, Romance
- Cast : John Gordon Sinclair as Gregory, Dee Hepburn as Dorothy, Clare Grogan as Susan, Jake D’Arcy as Phil Menzies, Chic Murray as Headmaster
- Crew : Michael Coulter as Director of Photography, Clive Parsons as Producer, Bill Forsyth as Director, Bill Forsyth as Writer, Davina Belling as Producer
- Popularity 5.334
- Budget : 0
- Revenue : $7,710
- Company : Lake Films, National Film Finance Corporation (NFFC), Scottish Television (STV)
- Summary : A teenager falls hard for the female soccer player who has replaced him on the team and attempts to pursue her.
- Tagline : This has to be the match of the day